


Telecommunications Big Data Training Lab


The Big Data Lab for Telecommunications at Neusoft is based on the accumulated knowledge assets of the company's big data projects in the telecommunications industry. It aims to provide the following practical teaching scenarios and resource support for college teachers and students: training in the design and implementation of key functional modules of big data real-time and offline processing systems, design and implementation of big data processing, analysis and mining, and data visualization, familiarity with digital telecommunications business, mastery of the mainstream technologies, tools, processes and methods for digital telecommunications industry integration applications, understanding of the business meaning of telecommunications data, and enhancement of problem-solving ability and innovation capacity cultivation.


Corporate positions: Big Data Development Engineer, Big Data Data Collection and Processing Engineer, Big Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer, Big Data Implementation and Maintenance Engineer

Applicable majors: Big Data Technology and other related majors in colleges and universities

Project products: multiple post level and post group level projects based on the application of telecom big data industry, including big data collection and processing, big data analysis and visualization, big data deployment and operation and maintenance training

Applicable scenarios: professional teaching, integrated training, competition training



Industry-aligned and covering cutting-edge technologies

By building an end-to-end data collection and transmission process, including business data extraction, Hive data warehouse creation, and real-time telecom log collection and transmission, the project provides powerful data processing and analysis tools for telecom operators. On the data analysis level, the project uses Kylin technology to build Cube cubes, enabling multi-dimensional OLAP analysis by correlating multiple data tables from different dimensions, accelerating the speed of complex queries and report generation. At the same time, it leverages the Flink real-time computing engine to collect, process, store, and analyze telecom logs in real time, enabling user behavior analysis. On the data storage front, the project builds a large-scale data storage system, including distributed storage and relational databases, to store various telecom data and achieve data synchronization and integration. The project uses the Logstash tool to efficiently synchronize MySQL data to Elasticsearch to ensure data accuracy and real-time, training students' big data full-stack development skills.


Industry-level case features Teaching-based disassembly

Based on the unique TOPCARES educational methodology of Neusoft, the project disassembles the industrial-level project into a progressive project system, from easy to difficult, helping students gradually exercise and improve their practical skills. It provides 3 position-level and 1 position cluster-level projects, training students' incremental skills for different positions.