


Our Vision

Become the Leading Education Service Provider of Digital Talents in China.

Our Mission

Boost smart education with digital technologies,and empower students with innovative education.

·Focusing on IT field and healthcare and medical technology field, guided by high-quality employment and entrepreneurship, we build a distinctive, high-level and entrepreneurial application-oriented technical university, to train high-quality application-oriented specialist for economic and social development.

·By digitizing, productizing and platforming the education system of Neuedu's three universities, it enables universities and vocational colleges to develop with high quality through technology, and becoming innovators and leaders in educational technology products and services fields.

·To create an open and sharing, online-merge-offline Neuedu characteristic continuing education system, to provide one-stop, professional lifelong education solutions and services for government, enterprises, colleges and individuals.

Our Values

Innovation    Integration    Progression    Responsibility   Integrity 

·Innovation is the source of our evergreen business, focusing on creating student value, adhering to the pioneering and leading of educational methods, training models and operating mechanisms, and pursuing excellence in education.

·Integration is our mechanism to break through ourselves, take serving social development as our own responsibility, promote the docking and integration of education with regional economy, industry and information technology, and create a shared and win-win ecological system.

·Progression is the driving force for us to meet challenges, guided by tenacity, unity and perseverance, advocating self-innovation, continuous improvement and continuous breakthrough of educational services, and walking in the forefront of innovative education.

·Responsibility is the support of our vigorous struggle, marked by simplicity, pragmatism and efficiency, highlighting the work style of daring to be responsible, brave to take responsibility and good at taking action, and practicing the mission given by the times.

·Integrity is the benchmark for our actions, taking self-cultivation as nature, adhering to the attitude of working honestly, dedicatedly and seeking truth from facts, portraying the background of Neusoft education.

Talent Idea

Respect and encourage the value creation of employees,achieve the growth of individuals and organizations together.

Business Idea

Business position

Neuedu focuses on the value creation of learners, focuses on the direction of China's digital talent education service, based on the innovative full-time higher education business, integrates online and offline, and vigorously expands the output of educational resources and continuing education services. Relying on the research and development capabilities of "education + technology", we establish a digital talent education service ecosystem in which the three major business sectors support each other and interact with each other.

Growth traction

Featured "4S" business development model driven by new method (TOPCARES), new model (blended learning), new mechanism (industry-university-research integration), new platform (O2O smart education platform), new content (seamless connection with industry).

University spirit

·School motto: To Learn and to Apply

·School Ethos: Innovation, Integration, Progress, Responsibility, Integrity

·Study style: Think Creatively, Learn Actively and Apply Skillfully

·Teaching Style: Teach with Devotion, Responsibility, Competency and Innovation

·Work style: Realistic, Simple and Efficient

Business philosophy: EMPOWER


Ecological construction: We always adhere to value empowerment and focus on educational ecological construction.


Market Orientation: We always insist on being market-oriented and keeping up with the forefront of the market.


Focus on products: We always insist on excellence and focus on creating high-quality educational products.


Seize opportunities: We always keep up with the pace of the times and strive to seize every precious opportunity.


Cooperation and win-win: We always insist on cooperation and mutual benefit to achieve collaborative and mutually beneficial development.


Focus on efficiency: We always put efficiency first and pursue sustainable and high-quality development.


Continuous research and development: We always insist on using technology to promote educational progress and empower learners and partners.

Social Responsibility Policy

To meet the expectations of stakeholders and achieve sustainable and high-quality development is the driving force behind our everlasting business.

·For students/parents: Create student value, realize high-quality employment and entrepreneurship; make parents feel at ease, satisfied, and get better returns.

·For customers: meet the urgent needs of enterprises for applied talents; empower cooperative colleges and universities, and export first-class educational products and services.

·For faculty and staff: have social status, have value recognition, and realize the common growth of individuals and organizations.

·For the public: Respond to and meet the diverse needs of all walks of life for education, and actively participate in public welfare undertakings.

·For the environment: energy saving and emission reduction, low-carbon environmental protection, to achieve a green and sustainable development model.

·For the government: running high-quality schools to promote regional economic and social development.

·For shareholders: Create value for shareholders, achieve profit targets, and create a first-class "education + technology" brand.

Charitable activities

During the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, Neusoft Education & Technology Group opened its independently developed Neusoft MOOC platform, Neusoft Course Practice platform, and Neusoft Software Project Development Practice platform to domestic universities for free, with approximately 300 institutions and 87,000 people using them. That year, Neusoft Education & Technology Group was recognized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security as one of the country's first 54 online platform providers for vocational skill training during the epidemic, providing remote vocational skill training for over 260 enterprises and nearly 10,000 employees. Chairman Liu Jiren was selected as one of the "100 Outstanding Private Economy Figures in the Fight against COVID-19" jointly launched by the Central United Front Work Department, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce. President Wen Tao was awarded the "Outstanding Contributor to Online Education Development in 2020" title by the China Information Association. Neusoft Education & Technology Group won the "Social Responsibility Excellence Award" in the 2021 ESG Pioneer 60 annual awards organized by Shanghai Media Group's Interface.

"Stone-Fruit Seeds United in Love - Building Dreams and Connecting Mountains and Seas" Summer Camp and Social Practice Activity for Primary School Students in Naqu City

In August 2023, in order to deeply implement the spirit of the seventh Central Tibet Work Conference and the third conference on counterpart aid to Tibet, the Continuing Education Department of Neusoft Education & Technology Group and Dalian Neusoft University of Information successfully hosted the "Stone-Fruit Seeds United as One - Building Dreams • Connecting Mountains and Seas" summer camp and social practice activity for primary school students from Naqu, Tibet. The activities included study tours, learning exchanges, red education, and pairing visits, and the participants traveled to Shenyang and Dalian to visit red education bases such as the Shenyang "9.18" Memorial Hall and the Cemetery of Martyrs in the Anti-US Aid-Korea War. They learned about the history and culture of China and its social development.

Through the activities, the primary school students from Naqu experienced the history and customs of Liaoning and strengthened the friendship between youths from the two places, promoting the cultivation of national unity awareness.

Job Fair for Disabled University Students

On November 17, 2023, in order to provide more targeted and meticulous employment support services for disabled college students, volunteers from Chengdu Dongruan College went to Yi Street Square to bring warmth and help to them.

After the job fair started, the volunteers asked the disabled college students about their majors and the direction of their job choices at the event site, and introduced relevant recruiting units to them in a targeted manner, guiding the disabled college students to the recruiting units they were interested in for consultation and understanding. After the event, the volunteers helped the organizers tidy up the tables and clean up the trash on the site. This activity promoted the spirit of helping the disabled and created a social atmosphere of respect and care for the disabled.

Guangdong (Foshan) Poverty Alleviation and Relief Day Event

June 15th to June 25th, 2023 - The Student Union and the Staff Union of Neusoft Institute Guangdong  jointly responded to the call for social welfare and organized and implemented an online fundraising campaign. Since the campaign was launched, it has received strong support and active participation from teachers and students across the school. Through email and tweet, etc., online dissemination methods, the campus's enthusiasm for public welfare was quickly ignited. The successfully raised funds will be used directly to improve the sports environment for children in the compulsory education stage in Genghe Town, creating a healthier and better growth space for them.

This activity not only showcases the Institute's deep involvement in social welfare and its sense of responsibility, but also reflects the school's concern and support for youth education. In the future, we will actively participate in more social welfare and charity activities and work together with the whole society to support the growth of young people and promote sustainable development of society.