


International Undergraduate Program
International undergraduate programs offer courses that are directly linked to foreign universities and can obtain exempted credits from foreign universities. After students pass all grades while studying in China, they will receive an adult college diploma from a domestic university; after successfully completing 2-3 years of overseas studies, they will receive an undergraduate bachelor's degree certificate recognized by the Ministry of Education of China issued by an overseas partner university.

Save time and money
Foreign partner universities provide students with international undergraduate programs with varying degrees of tuition exemptions and exemptions for some courses, helping students save study time while also reducing the financial burden of studying abroad for parents. 

Scientific planning avoids blindness
The "domestic + foreign" learning method, on the one hand, lays a solid language foundation for students to enter overseas universities, and on the other hand, it avoids the various difficulties that "young international students" who graduate from high school face when going abroad directly, such as being too young and not having enough self-awareness, weak self-care ability, having difficulty adapting to unfamiliar foreign environments and different teaching models, etc. In addition, it can also avoid disadvantages such as students being unable to adapt to domestic workplace life after returning to their country after staying abroad for too long.
Students participating in the international undergraduate program will be directly included in the official enrollment plan in China by foreign partner institutions and enjoy exclusive treatment of priority admission. If students perform well during their undergraduate studies abroad and intend to continue their studies, they can directly apply for a master's degree from a partner institution.

Accurate application and full service
The school provides students with a series of services such as language training, credit certification, professional learning and overseas application. Students can not only receive professional language training and study corresponding professional courses, but also enjoy one-to-one customized study abroad planning, school application, visa application, departure service guidance, overseas life guidance, study assistance and other tracking services. The maximum Meet the individual needs of students to the greatest extent possible. The school's professional and considerate one-stop service can comprehensively ensure the safety of students studying abroad, allowing students to save time, money and worry.

More options for postgraduate entrance examination and employment
Due to differences in education systems, the master's degree programs in different countries also vary. Generally speaking, the duration of study for master's degree programs in foreign universities is 1 to 2 years, and admission is based on an application system. Compared with the unified graduate entrance examination in China, students abroad can submit applications to multiple schools and majors at the same time, giving them a greater chance of admission and more choices. When facing future career development, overseas study background will also increase more employment opportunities for students.