


Phoenix College

Neusoft Education Technology Group seizes the development opportunity presented by the aging population trend in the digital era. Leveraging the robust faculty strength and research and development advantages of three universities, it integrates resources from the medical and tourism industries. Based on its positioning in this era as "reflecting intelligent characteristics, highlighting technological advantages, and adapting to the needs of the elderly," Neuedu actively expands its business field in elderly education and smart healthcare while establishing a comprehensive life-cycle service system. The aim is to foster stable, mutually beneficial, supportive, efficient, and sustainable integrated development encompassing teaching, medical services, nursing care, health management, and tourism.

Pheonix College

We have developed a novel elderly education model called "LIFECARES" that caters to the specific needs of senior citizens in the domains of learning, social interaction, and healthcare. This comprehensive approach integrates happiness, caregiving, medical services, educational opportunities, and personal growth. By independently or collectively implementing various modules, we aim to enhance the well-being of older adults through top-notch medical and nursing care as well as platform services. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that seniors can enjoy their lives while receiving support, access to medicine, opportunities for learning, and meaningful engagement.


We have established Neusoft Phoenix College, an innovative and diverse university that caters to the educational needs of the elderly. It aims to become a dream institution for dynamic seniors by reflecting intelligence, emphasizing technological advancements, and adapting to their specific requirements. The curriculum is designed around three key areas: AI and art creation, health and rehabilitation, and spiritual well-being travel. Through offering comprehensive services such as healthcare programs, lectures on chronic disease management and mental wellness, as well as engaging in health tourism activities amidst the breathtaking beauty of nature while immersing in local culture; we strive to provide a multifaceted learning experience that fosters personal growth within a warm community setting. Our ultimate goal is to assist senior individuals in rebuilding their lives with enhanced self-confidence, fostering new friendships while promoting overall well-being during this digital age.


Resource Platform

Faculty R&D Resources. The profound professional expertise and advantages in digital art design and health medical technology at the three universities of Neusoft will equip Phoenix College with robust faculty and research capabilities.

Medical and Health Resources. Our industrial layout in the medical and health fields has established a comprehensive scale, encompassing Neusoft Education's affiliated hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, health management centers, nursing homes, as well as Neusoft high-end health hotels and other valuable resources within the medical and health industry. This robust collaboration will provide substantial support to Phoenix College.

Online Resources. The online digital learning platforms and tools provided by Phoenix College are convenient, intelligent, and accessible on mobile devices. This allows senior citizens to learn, explore, create artworks, as well as freely share their works and thoughts anytime and anywhere. Additionally, our online courses in digital literacy, graceful living, physical and mental health, and family education will further enhance their online learning journey.

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