


Rehabilitation Training Lab
The Lab combines traditional education model with modern information technology to develop more diversified teaching methods. Using advanced rehabilitation training equipment, highly restore a variety of applicable scenarios, encourage students to actively participate in independent learning. At the same time, big data and artificial intelligence algorithms are used for rehabilitation assessment and intervention to achieve instant adjustment and optimization of training programs.

Enterprise position: elderly care worker, rehabilitation trainer
Applicable majors: Smart health care services and management
Course products: Core courses related to geriatric rehabilitation training
Project products: A diversified project based on rehabilitation training skills combined with intelligent and information equipment
Basic equipment: multi-function trainer
Intelligent equipment: community home-based rehabilitation training robot
Application scenarios: professional teaching, comprehensive practical training, competition training

In line with the industry covering the cutting-edge products of health care enterprises
The training room covers the cutting-edge typical training basic equipment and intelligent equipment of health care enterprises to help students quickly master rehabilitation training skills.

Characteristic courses and project case teaching disassemble
Based on Neusoft's characteristic TOPCARES educational methodology, the project is broken down into an advanced project system, from simple to deep, from easy to difficult, to help students gradually exercise and improve their practical ability.