


Comprehensive Big Data Training Lab


The Lab is mainly aimed at the Big Data Technology major, and through eight core courses with 380+ 3-5 level projects and 16 1-2 level projects, it progressively trains talents for positions such as big data collection and processing, big data analysis and visualization, and big data implementation and operation and maintenance. It helps students effectively train their job skills.


Enterprise positions: Big Data Development Engineer, Big Data Collection and Processing Engineer, Big Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer, Big Data Implementation and Operation and Maintenance Engineer, etc.

Applicable majors: Big Data Technology majors in colleges and universities

Course products: big data collection and mathematics, big data analysis and visualization, big data implementation and operation and maintenance and other relevant courses, such as: data collection technology, big data analysis technology and application

Project products: e-commerce, transportation, finance, telecommunications and other industry backgrounds for big data collection and mathematics, big data analysis and visualization, big data implementation and operation and maintenance of a number of post level and post group level projects

Applicable scenarios: professional teaching, integrated training, competition training



Integrated design of qualifications, courses, competitions, and certificates

The resource system is integrated with qualifications, courses, competitions, and certificates to meet the requirements of college competitions and student skill improvement.


Fine-tuned supporting resources 

We offer a set of ten supporting resources, including course standards, teaching materials, guidelines, lesson plans, teaching videos, exams, exercises, experiment environments, resource packages, and source code.