


Digital Media Interaction Training Lab

For the development system of digital creative industry and the demand of digital skilled talents in the new era, the Lab focuses on the training of "digital craftsmen" talents in AIGC designer, UE interaction designer, packaging special effects artist, AIGC video producer, metauniverse development engineer, virtual production, Unity/UE development engineer and other positions. It supports the training of China College Student Computer Design Competition, National College Student Advertising Art Competition, Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professionals Competition, China Good Creativity and National Digital Art Design Competition, Future Designer · National College Digital Art Design Competition, China Virtual Reality Competition, National College Student Digital Media Technology Works and Creativity Competition, etc. Moreover, it has built an advanced integrated practice teaching system covering the whole process of talent training in digital media categories, as well as the hardware and software training equipment and environment, intelligent management platform as well as related practical training documents and resources. It builds a digital industry skills training system that is "post capability-oriented, oriented to real production, rich in teaching resources, advanced practical training system and intelligent platform driven".



Project scene industrialization. The projects come from Neusoft Industry and strategic emerging industries, including smart health care, smart medical treatment, intelligent automobile, metauniverse industry application, digital culture and other directions.

Project case teaching. The project is based on the teaching-oriented disassembly and transformation of Neusoft's characteristic TOPCARES educational methodology to realize the adaptation of industrial project technology and teaching.

The project technology frontier. AIGC, virtual production, point cloud modeling, digital twin, engine interaction and other new technologies cover the core intelligent creative ecosystem.

The project system is advanced. The enterprise real project runs through many professional courses, which can cover the teaching of multiple job groups such as digital vision, interactive design, film and television post-production, XR application, all-media, game design, etc.

The project practical training engineering. Follow engineering specifications, standards and processes.

Diversify supporting resources. There are 14 sets of supporting resources, including course standards, teaching calendar, course guide, teaching courseware, teaching plans, micro-class videos, case base, project replaceable resource base, assessment and evaluation resources, expansion materials, FAQ, Level 5 project package, Level 4 project package, level 3 project package, etc.

For more information, please visit our Metaverse Creative Creation and Sharing Platform