


Mobile Application Technology & Service

Based on the excellent practices of Neuedu in the integration of digital industry and industrial digitalization in talent cultivation, a joint practice center for mobile application technology and services will be established to carry out the three-common-four-true-six-alignment education (three-common: joint management, joint operation, joint production; four-true: real work tasks, real work scenarios, real work achievements, real work processes; six-alignment: alignment of talent cultivation goals with job requirements, alignment of course teaching content with work content, alignment of teacher professional capabilities with industry development, alignment of practical teaching system with student cognition, alignment of practical teaching cases with industry projects, alignment of practical teaching intensity with job requirements).

Solution Overview 
The Mobile Application Technology and Services Professional Integrated Education and Production Practice Center is oriented towards the development system of the new generation of information technology industry and the new era demand for digital skilled workers. It focuses on the cultivation of "digital craftsmen" for positions such as mobile Web development assistant engineers, Android application development assistant engineers, software testing assistant engineers, and junior interface designers, and it is aligned with the mobile application and development competition. It builds a comprehensive, progressive, and integrated practical teaching system covering the entire process of talent cultivation, and constructs the corresponding hardware and software training equipment and environment, intelligent management platform, and related training teaching documents and resources. It establishes a digital industry craftsman training platform with a focus on job-oriented skills, real-world production, integration of qualifications, examinations, and certifications, progressive training system, and intelligent platform driving.

Unique Advantages
  • The project is industrialized in the context of project scenarios, originating from Dongdian Soft Industry and strategic emerging industries, including smart networking, intelligent manufacturing, and smart health.
  • The project is case-based, with the project being disassembled and modified for teaching purposes, thus achieving compatibility between industrial-level project technologies and teaching.
  • The project features cutting-edge technologies, including low-code, MUI framework, and other new tools and technologies; it also integrates hardware and software to highlight the new ecosystem of intelligent software.
  • The project system is advanced, with five-level projects spanning multiple courses and covering positions such as interface design, front-end, mobile, and testing.
  • The project training is engineering-oriented, following software engineering norms, standards, and procedures, and it is also aligned with mobile application design and development and application software system development competitions.
  • The supporting resources are refined, with ten sets of project support resources, including instruction manuals, requirement documents, product prototypes, material packages, source code, and interface documentation.

Construction Content
Through industry demand research and analysis, we have identified the most in-demand positions in the future industry and the situation of the positions with the highest demand for vocational school graduates. We have also clarified the targeted positions: Web Development Assistant Engineer, Android Application Development Assistant Engineer, Software Testing Assistant Engineer, and Junior Interface Designer.

Practical Course Resources
We have transformed the typical job tasks and professional ability requirements of the targeted positions into a modular curriculum system with an "engineering ability-oriented, integration of curriculum, competition, and certification" approach. Among them, there are two foundation courses, six core courses, one practical course, and one intermediate-to-advanced specialized course.

Industry flagship project
Intelligent connected vehicle application ecosystem
The project is themed to match the mobile application design and development competition. It includes three subsystems: the intelligent cabin system, the 4S management system for automobile sales and services, and the intelligent charging system (paired with the intelligent connected vehicle system sandbox hardware), covering the full cycle of application scenarios for purchasing, driving operation, and daily charging of intelligent connected vehicles. It can support the cultivation of job skills for Android engineers, Web front-end engineers, product managers, and software test engineers. The project has been transformed into 13 comprehensive projects and 22 course projects after teaching, covering 14 specialized courses, including HTML5+CSS3 responsive Web development, mobile end UI design, MySQL database application development, and Java language program design.

Smart Life System
The smart life management system is designed for the service data source required for mobile app development and supports the training of mobile application development skills. The system is aimed at the National Vocational College Skills Competition in mobile application and development, combining mainstream industrial technologies to lead and promote teaching reform and meet the needs of student skills training, thereby enhancing the international level of vocational education.

Integrated Smart Education Platform 

The integrated intelligent education platform integrates various application scenarios such as teaching, learning, management, training, and evaluation, providing powerful data support and decision-making basis for managers, offering personalized and intelligent lifelong education services including academic education, job hunting, and self-improvement for students, and providing intelligent teaching environment and convenient teaching interaction tools for teachers to improve teaching quality steadily.

Applicable Major
Vocational Colleges: Computer Applications, Mobile Application Technology and Services, etc.

Typical Case
Henan Information Engineering School - Mobile Application Development SaiChuang Fusion Center Project
Nanjing Business School - Digital Workshop Deep Integration of Education and Production Practice Training Platform